
PNA completes research trip to Gdansk Deep

This past March, the Polish Naval Academy (PNA) conducted a research expedition to survey the munitions dumpsite at Gdansk Deep, on the Polish coast. 

The cruise, conducted aboard the R/Vs Oceania and Imor, focused on gathering hydrographic data at the site and performing sonar measurements to detect objects on the sea floor. A total of 20 objects were selected for further examination, which revealed some metallic artifacts as well as some ship wrecks not marked on current nautical charts. The report for the cruise (in Polish) can be downloaded below.


Report PNA Gdansk Deep March 2012 Cruise


The next stage of research will involve sampling bottom sediments near the detected objects in order to investigate the concentration of chemicals.


For more information contact Bartłomiej Pączek at PNA.


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