
Registration now open for Open Day at 3rd CHEMSEA meeting

CHEMSEA will be holding its 3rd Partner Meeting in Helsinki on September 12-14. On Friday, September 14th a public conference will be held with invited speakers, including a session for politicians and maritime stakeholders. Registration for this public event is now open!

The event will be hosted by VERIFIN and SYKE and will be held on the Kumpula Campus of the University of Helsinki. The conference will be a forum to provide information about the progress of the project and its activities and will serve as a good opportunity for a get-together of the main Finnish and international stakeholders, as well as Baltic Sea area organizations concerned with the well-being and sustainable use of our shared resource.

Click here for the agenda and here for the registration form for the Open Day.


We welcome your contribution to this discussion and look forward to seeing you there!


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