
CHEMSEA at the International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions, San Juan, Puerto Rico


The International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM), an NGO promoting the creation of an internationally binding treaty on underwater munitions, held its international meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico from September 27 to October 3.

CHEMSEA, represented by Jacek Beldowski from IOPAN, participated in IDUM’s Special Groups Meeting, presenting its scientific approach to the problem of sea dumped munitions in the Baltic Sea, an approach which was adopted as an example of best practice and included in the Science Group’s final presentation. CHEMSEA guidelines and outputs were also discussed on the policy workgroup.


The results of the working group meetings will form the basis of a report on "Science, Technology, Policy & Potential Responses for Underwater Munitions" which will be delivered to the United Nations in 2013.

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